Below are a few examples of projects we've done that represent:
Best Athlete
Multiple systems were disconnected preventing them from becoming the "one" system. We connected them to form a fully automated Waterfall.
Data Entry Prison
Imprisoned by the keyboard, one poor person was manually keying in data for 70+ people. We developed a system freeing this person from the prison of data entry and giving them back days of their time.
Death by Powerpoint
Monthly presentations were killing analysis and wasting precious time. We streamlined the process with PowerBI and unified the team.
Knowledge is power
Getting the data into the hands of the people was a manual process. We brought the power of the data into the hands of the ones responsible for managing it.
Retiring Microsoft Access
In this project we rebuilt an entire custom Microsoft Access Database and converted it to an Oracle Database.
Two systems Two Truths
Two databases doing battle with the way information was presented. We connected these two systems and made them tell the truth!